Thursday, March 12, 2015

Plan to Eat

I am on Day 19 of a 30-day free trial of Plan to Eat, and I totally plan to pay for a year's worth when it runs out. I have been extremely distracted lately, and menu planning has suffered. Plan to Eat is only $5 or $6 per month or $39/year. You can import recipes from almost any website or input them yourself. When you are ready to make your menu, you just drag and drop the recipe onto the calendar. There is a little time investment on the front end to get all your recipes into the system. But after they are there, it is super quick and easy. When you go shopping, you just select the dates you want to shop for, and it generates your shopping list. It has helped so much to keep our menus interesting and varied without me having to think about it and write it all out every week. (I dread menu planning so much that I usually skip it, and we end up having the same dinner over and over.)

Here's the link:

On top of the fact that it is a useful program and reasonably priced, I like the business itself. It is run by a family, and they state on the website that they are not a startup company. You can import your recipes off the site anytime you want to quit, and you don't lose anything. I think that's pretty unselfish of them.

It's helped me so much, I thought I'd share.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a wonderful helper!
    I have been meaning to call you this week. Maybe we can help each other stay on plan over Family Day (unless you are having a cheat weekend). :)
